Experiencing the Glory Testimony 13

God Suspends the Laws of Nature & My Friend Sees with No Eye

Pastor John Hamel


"The following is an excerpt from the JHM article "The Working of Miracles."


I have a friend who has now traveled on to Heaven.  His name is Roscoe Ronald Coyne.  You can find Brother Ronald's testimony on the Internet. 


As a result of an accident, Brother Ronald had his eye surgically removed as a 7-year-old boy.  


Approximately one year later a tent Evangelist named Daisy Gillock, older sister of T.L. Osborn, prayed for Ronald during a tent crusade.  The Evangelist did not know that Ronald’s eye was missing. Ronald once told me that the Evangelist thought she was praying for “a chest cold or something.”  


As a result of that woman releasing her faith through prayer, God suspended the laws of nature, the glory came into manifestation and Ronald actually began to see through his empty eye socket.


Over the course of his remaining 43 years on Earth, Brother Ronald traveled millions of miles demonstrating this startling miracle to millions of individuals.  Untold millions turned to Christ as a result.  


Brother Ronald demonstrated this miracle in my Church pulpit on two occasions.  I personally blocked his existing eye with a handkerchief folded six or eight times.  I held it in place with a half roll of adhesive tape.  I did a really good job, too.  Like you, I wanted to know that he could not see through his existing eye. 


Brother Ronald then removed his plastic eye and proceeded to read anything and everything brought to him by nearly everyone in those services – all through an empty eye socket. He read drivers licenses, Bibles, magazines, newspapers, certificates - anything that was placed before him he read with precision. 


Not one person could say he missed a single word or letter.


Brother Ronald once told me that he could see through that empty eye socket 24 and 7.  This was both with and without the plastic eyeball in place.  


Almighty God was allowing him to see supernaturally with his “spirit” eye. 


You may have seen Rev. Coyne on one of his multiple television appearances with Oprah Winfrey, Phil Donahue, Geraldo Rivera, Sally Jesse Raphael, as well as on That's Incredible and other popular television talk shows.  They all clamored for his appearances.  


Ronald once told me that he told them all, “I’ll come on your program but you must allow me the privilege of telling people that Jesus Christ has done this for me.  Otherwise, I will not come.”  They always agreed to allow him to freely speak of Jesus Christ. 


This glorious Gift called the Working of Miracles, which manifested through Sister Gillock on behalf of Ronald Coyne, is about to be demonstrated in the Earth unlike any other time in all of human history.  


When it is, the multitudes will come running to Christ for salvation.


Be Blessed ... John and Barbara Hamel



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