Supernatural Biblical Guidance 8
Cooperating with Holy Spirit Inspired Prophecy

by Pastor John Hamel

“This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;” (1Timothy 1:18)

We are still studying supernatural prophecy and guidance.  In the last lesson we saw the Biblical steps that must be taken in order to properly judge a prophecy, or how to determine whether it has come forth from the Holy Spirit or not.  

In this lesson we are going to discuss briefly some of the things that you can do to cooperate with the fulfillment of a prophecy once you have determined the Spirit of God gave it to you. 

The Apostle Paul told Timothy in our text Scripture to “war a good warfare … according to the prophecies which went before on thee.”  

Many have received prophecies recently and do not know how to cooperate with their fulfillment.  Others have received prophecies in the past that have yet to be fulfilled and they have put them on the back burner, so to speak, forgetting about them.  

It is time to dig out those prophecies that you have forgotten.  It is time to stir yourself up concerning them.  It is still the will of God that they come to pass.  

There are several things that can be done to bring the fulfillment of prophecy whether the prophecy is recent or from times past.

Always Document Your Prophecies 

“And the Lord answered me, and said, WRITE THE VISION, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)

Although the Holy Spirit is talking to Habakkuk about recording what he was told concerning the Second Coming of Christ, there is a principle here that needs to be applied to prophecies.  The Holy Spirit told Habakkuk to write it down so it would not be forgotten. 

The mind of man was greatly affected by the fall of Adam and does not have the ability to recall details to the degree that Adam did.  You must write your prophecies down in order to remember every detail.  The further you get away from a prophecy being given, the more you are going to forget the details.  My wife, Barbara, and I keep a Spiritual Journal where everything the Holy Spirit says to us through others, through one another or directly into our spirits is logged and dated.  

As a matter of fact, there is hardly ever a time that we go into prayer or go into a public service that we do not have a miniature handheld recorder with us.  If you are in position to be around someone on a regular basis who stands in the Office of the Prophet, you should always have a small recorder with you.  You never know when the anointing will come upon that individual to speak to you.  

We always record prophecies when they come forth and then we transcribe them to where we can read them on our computers or on paper.  They are always available to us.  If you have forgotten older prophecies, ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance what He spoke to you so you can write it down.  He promises to do this for you. (John 14:26)

Meditate on Your Prophecies 

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but THOU SHALT MEDITATE THEREIN DAY AND NIGHT, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

Oftentimes we think we know exactly what the Holy Spirit is saying when prophecy comes forth, when really we do not.  Prophecies are just like the Bible in that without periods of prayer and meditation there are things that do not make sense to us in it.  Even if they do make sense, we later realize that we understood them in a limited manner.  Get those prophecies written down to where you can spend time reading them for a few minutes daily.  As you do, further enlightenment will come. 

Recently the Holy Spirit said to me, “The Body of Christ needs to understand that when a prophecy truly comes from the Holy Spirit, it is as binding as the written Word of God.  Whether the Word is written in the Bible or spoken by the agency of the Holy Spirit, it is still the Word of God and it is binding on you.” 

We are to stand on our prophecies in the same way that we are commanded to stand on the written Word of God.  Spend a little time each day just reading your prophecies and faith will come for their fulfillment because faith comes by rehearsing something over and over. (Romans 10:17)

Rehearse Your Prophecies Verbally

“And the Lord said unto Moses, WRITE THIS FOR A MEMORIAL IN A BOOK, AND REHEARSE IT IN THE EARS OF JOSHUA: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” (Exodus 17:14)

Here again we find evidence of not only writing down your prophecies but also rehearsing them verbally.  The Holy Spirit told Moses to write the above prophecy in a book and to keep speaking it to Joshua in order that faith would come into Joshua’s heart for its fulfillment.  The principle of speaking your prophecy out loud over and again is tremendously effective.  How effective you may ask?  To which I respond, “Do you see any Amalekites walking on the Earth today?”  They are all gone because Moses and Joshua prophesied their destruction.  There is power in the spoken word particularly when that Word came forth by the Holy Spirit. (Proverbs 18:21; Ecclesiastes 8:4)   

Get off alone and speak your prophecies out loud.  This will encourage you to have faith in them, particularly when Satan challenges the truth of your prophecies.  As you remind yourself out loud of the truth of your prophecies, Satan is stripped of his ability to torment you, causing you to doubt.  As you remind yourself out loud of the truth of your prophecies, the Holy Spirit sees how serious you take it when He speaks to you and that you have confidence in Him.  Even if there are parts of your prophecies that you still do not fully understand, refuse to worry about it.  The Holy Spirit understands and He will bring it to pass and then you will really understand.

Expect the Fulfillment of Your Prophecies 

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, BELIEVE THAT YE RECEIVE THEM, AND YE SHALL HAVE THEM.” (Mark 11:24)


Remember what the Holy Spirit told me, “The Body of Christ needs to understand that when a prophecy truly comes from the Holy Spirit, it is as binding as the written Word of God.  Whether the Word is written in the Bible or spoken by the agency of the Holy Spirit, it is still the Word of God and it is binding on you.” 


The responsibility for the fulfillment of your prophecy lies with your faith not with God’s faith.  You must expect your prophecies to come to pass, even as you must expect the promises of the Bible to come to pass.  If you refuse to expect your prophecies to come to pass, the Holy Spirit is not obligated to you.  Many prophecies have come forth by the agency of the Holy Spirit and were never fulfilled.  This is never God’s fault.  The responsibility of expectation lies with the Believer.  If you consider yourself a Believer in Christ, a Believer in the Holy Spirit, a Believer in prophecy then do your part and believe.  Believing is very simply expecting what the Holy Spirit said to come to pass.  Look for it.  The best way to tell whether you are expecting the fulfillment of your prophecy or not, is by listening to the words of your mouth.  Are you rehearsing your prophecies verbally?  If you are, you are releasing expectation.  If you are not rehearsing your prophecies verbally, then you are not releasing expectation.


Do Not Let Your Confidence Be Shaken


“CAST NOT AWAY THEREFORE YOUR CONFIDENCE, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, AFTER YE HAVE DONE THE WILL OF GOD, YE MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE.” (Hebrews 10:35,36)


Paul is here referring to soldiers in battle who throw down their weapons and run away in despair.  Paul told Timothy that when prophecies come forth you could expect warfare. (1Timothy 1:18)  Satan will challenge your prophecies.  The more threatened he is by them, the more he is going to throw up dust, make lots of noise and make you think that all the forces of Hell are coming at you.  Jesus said the gates of Hell will not prevail against you no matter how loudly Satan bangs the trash can lids together. (Matthew 16:18)  Do not be moved by his embellished distractions.  If you will persevere and endure his resistance, your prophecies are guaranteed to come to pass. 


If the Holy Spirit said revival would come to your Church and your finances will increase, then revival will come to your Church and your finances will increase.  Pastor, if He told you that He would increase you numerically, financially and in the realm of the anointing, then He will increase you numerically, financially and in the realm of the anointing.  Why not start pricing some new chairs? You are going to be needing them.  Faith acts like it believes what was spoken.  If He told you that He would increase your business, then He will increase your business.  Why not start pricing space to spread out?  You are going to need it.  Faith acts like it believes what was spoken.   If He told you that you will have the baby that the doctors have said you will not have, persevere, hang in.  That baby is coming.  Why not start stocking up on diapers and toys?  You are going to need them.  Faith acts like it believes what was spoken. 


The trials, tribulations and resistance that you are going through because of your prophecies are preparing you and maturing you for increase.  Do not resent your difficulties.  The Holy Spirit is allowing them for your good.  After you have suffered a little while your prophecies will be established.


“But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, AFTER THAT YE HAVE SUFFERED A WHILE, MAKE YOU PERFECT, STABLISH, STRENGTHEN, SETTLE YOU.” (1Peter 5:10)


The Greek word that Peter used for “strengthen” in this verse is “sthenos.”  It means, “to strengthen so that there is no danger of warping, splitting or falling.” 


Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives us a prophetic word that we are not quite ready for yet.  He must take us through a period of suffering, through the temptation to quit, in order to stretch us and prepare us for the increase that He has for us.  It is possible that if the prophecy were to be fulfilled right now, you may warp, split or fall because you are not ready for it.  


Hold on.  Do not bail out.  The prophecy will be fulfilled and probably sooner than it appears right now.  Let the Holy Spirit prepare you and strengthen you for the new load He is about to put upon you.  Physical muscles are not developed without resistance.  Spiritual muscles are not developed without resistance.  Do not walk away from the fulfillment of your prophecy just days or weeks before it comes to pass.  You can make it or the Holy Spirit would not have given you that prophecy. (1Corinthians 10:13


Refuse to let Satan’s lies shake your confidence.  If he tells you that your prophecies will never come to pass, that is a guarantee that they will.  It is not true just by virtue of the fact that he said it.  He is the consummate liar.  He has never told the truth yet.  What makes you think he is going to start with you? (John 8:44) 


Do your part to see to it that your prophecies are fulfilled and the Holy Spirit will do His part.  Always document your prophecies.  You are fooling yourself if you think you are going to remember every detail.  Meditate on your prophecies.  This will keep faith built up in your spirit.  Rehearse your prophecies verbally.  Remind the Holy Spirit, yourself and the devil of exactly what it is that you believe.  Expect the complete fulfillment of every prophecy.  If you are speaking forth the fulfillment of your prophecies, you can know that you are unleashing expectation. 


Remember the Wizard of Oz?  He was just a little old man behind a curtain, pretending he was God, pulling a bunch of levers, making a lot of noises and scaring everybody into submission.  When the curtain was pulled back he was exposed and the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, the Lion and Dorothy were no longer afraid of him.  This is exactly how Satan operates.  Deceptively. Do not allow your confidence to be shaken no matter how loudly Satan bangs those trash can lids in his effort to make you believe that he’s mightier than he is.  He is mighty.  But our Father God is Almighty


The Bible says one day the whole world will look at him and say, “You gotta be kidding me.  Are you the one I was afraid of?” (Isaiah 14:16) 


Why wait?  Be unafraid of him now.  Trust God’s love


Your prophecies will come to pass as you speak them forth.

Be blessed … John and Barbara Hamel



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